
Good Commit VS. Bad Commit: Best Practices for Git


In the dynamic world of software and web development, effective version control is crucial, especially when collaborating with others. Git is one of the most widely used version control systems, allowing developers to track changes, revert to previous states, and collaborate seamlessly. However, Git’s power is only fully realized when commits are managed properly. In this article, we’ll dive into the characteristics of good versus bad commits and explore best practices for maintaining a clear and informative commit history.

What is a Commit?

In Git, a commit represents a snapshot of your code at a particular point in time, accompanied by metadata such as the author, timestamp, and commit message. Commits are essential for saving progress, documenting changes, and integrating code from different contributors.

Characteristics of a Good Commit

Atomic and Focused

  • A commit should be atomic, meaning it represents a single logical change. Avoid bundling multiple unrelated changes into one commit.
  • Good Commit:
git commit -m "Add user authentication"
  • Bad Commit:
git commit -m "Add user authentication and update UI styles"

Descriptive Commit Message

  • A clear and informative commit message should explain what was changed and why. This helps others (and your future self) understand the purpose of the change without digging into the code.
  • Good Commit Message:
git commit -m "Fix null pointer exception in user login"
  • Bad Commit Message:
git commit -m "Fix bug"

Follow Conventional Commit Guidelines

  • Adhering to a standardized commit format, such as using types like featfixchore, and including a short summary, helps keep your Git history organized and easy to navigate.
  • Good Commit Message:
git commit -m "feat(auth): add JWT-based authentication" 
git commit -m "fix(login): resolve race condition in login flow"

Tested and Verified

  • Ensure that changes in your commits have been tested and are functioning correctly. Committing broken or untested code can disrupt the development flow and impact other team members.

Properly Scoped

  • Scope your commits appropriately. For example, if you’re working on a specific feature or bug fix, include all relevant changes in one commit. Avoid mixing different types of changes.
  • Good Commit with Proper Scope:
git commit -m "refactor(auth): split auth logic into separate module"
  • Bad Commit with Mixed Scope:
git commit -m "refactor and minor fixes"

Characteristics of a Bad Commit

Large and Unfocused

  • Commits with excessive changes are hard to understand and review. They complicate debugging and code review processes.
  • Bad Commit:
git commit -m "Update project"

Vague or Misleading Messages

  • Commit messages that lack detail or are misleading can cause confusion and make tracking changes difficult.
  • Bad Commit Message:
git commit -m "Stuff"

Unrelated Changes

  • Combining unrelated changes into a single commit can introduce bugs and complicate the review process.
  • Bad Commit:
git commit -m "Update readme and fix login issue"
git commit -m "Update readme and fix login issue"

Incomplete or Untested Code

  • Committing code that is incomplete or not tested can break functionality and create problems for others on the team.

Lack of Context

  • Bad commits often lack context, making it hard to understand the reason behind a change, which can lead to confusion in the future.

Best Practices for Good Commits

Commit Often, but Not Too Often

  • Find a balance between frequent and infrequent commits. Each commit should represent a meaningful change. Avoid bundling unrelated changes.

Write Clear and Descriptive Messages

  • Your commit messages should clearly describe what was changed and why.

Use Branches Effectively

  • Use feature branches for new features, bug fixes, and experiments. Submit Pull Requests for these branches, allowing for code review before merging into the main branch.

Review and Squash Commits

  • If you’re managing a project or reviewing code, review and squash small or fixup commits into logical units before merging. This practice helps keep the commit history clean and comprehensible.

Automate Testing

  • Implement continuous integration tools to automatically test code with each commit, ensuring that changes are verified and reducing the risk of bugs.

Use Husky for Commit Rules

  • Tools like Husky can enforce commit message rules, ensuring consistency and adherence to guidelines.


Maintaining a clean and understandable commit history in Git is essential for effective collaboration and project management. By following best practices — such as keeping commits atomic, writing descriptive messages, and ensuring changes are tested — you can enhance collaboration, simplify code reviews, and make your project more maintainable. A well-managed commit history is a valuable asset for your team and future collaborators.

Happy committing!

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