Modules in Node.js
Modules in Node.js

Introduction to Modules in Node.js: The Complete Guide

Imagine you’re building a complex web application. Without modules, your code would quickly become a tangled mess of functions and variables. But with Node.js modules, you can keep your code clean, organized, and maintainable.

In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about Node.js modules, from the basics to advanced usage, with clear examples and best practices.

We’ll cover what modules are, why they’re useful, the differences between CommonJS and ESM, how to create custom modules, the use of the global keyword, common pitfalls, and real-world applications.

In Node.js, a module is a reusable piece of code placed in a .js file.Modules are reusable blocks of code that encapsulate specific functionality. They allow you to break your code into manageable pieces and avoid redundancy.

Why Use Modules?

  • Code Organization: Keep your codebase clean and structured.
  • Reusability: Write once, use multiple times.
  • Maintainability: Easier to manage and update code.

Types of Node Modules

There are three main types of Node modules that you will work with as a Node.js developer. They include the following.

  • Built-in modules
  • Local modules
  • Third-party modules

built-in modules in Node.js are pre-packaged libraries that come with Node.js by default. Examples include:

  • fs (File System) for file operations
  • http for creating HTTP servers
  • path for handling file paths
  • os for operating system-related utilities
  • crypto for cryptographic functions

These modules can be used without installing any additional packages.

You can use the built-in modules with the syntax below.

const someVariable = require('nameOfModule')

You load the module with the require function. You need to pass the name of the module you’re loading as an argument to the require function.

Note: The name of the module must be in quotation marks. Also, using const to declare the variable ensures that you do not overwrite the value when calling it.

You also need to save the returned value from the require function in someVariable. You can name that variable anything you want. But often, you will see programmers give the same to the variable as the name of the module (see example below).

const http = require('http') 

server = http.createServer((req, res) => { 
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) 
    res.end('Hello World!')


You use the require function to load the built-in http module. Then, you save the returned value in a variable named http.

The returned value from the http module is an object. Since you’ve loaded it using the require function, you can now use it in your code. For example, call the .createServer property to create a server.

When you work with Node.js, you create local modules that you load and use in your program. Let’s see how to do that.

Create a file named math.js:

Create a simple add module. It takes a a, b as a parameter and prints “addition of that a+b”.4

// math.js
const add = (a, b) => a + b;

module.exports = {

First, you need to create the function. Then you export it using the syntax module.exports. It doesn’t have to be a function, though. Your module can export an object, array, or any data type.

How to load your local modules

You can load your local modules and use them in other files. To do so, you use the require function as you did for the built-in modules.

But with your custom functions, you need to provide the path of the file as an argument. In this case, the path is './math‘ (which is referencing the math.js file).

Create a file named app.js:

// app.js
const math = require('./math');

console.log(math.add(2, 3)); // Output: 5

Once you’ve loaded your module, you can make a reference to it in your code.

Third-party modules are modules published to the npm registry by the community. They can be installed and used in your project to add additional functionalities.

A cool thing about using modules in Node.js is that you can share them with others. The Node Package Manager (NPM) makes that possible. When you install Node.js, NPM comes along with it.

With NPM, you can share your modules as packages via the NPM registry. And you can also use packages others have shared.

How to use third-party packages

To use a third-party package in your application, you first need to install it. You can run the command below to install a package.

npm install <name-of-third-party-package>

Example: Using a Third-party Module (lodash)

First, install the module using npm:

npm install lodash

Then, use it in your project:

const _ = require('lodash');

// Example usage of lodash
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const chunkedArr = _.chunk(arr, 2);

console.log(chunkedArr); // Output: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]

Popular Third-party Modules:

  • express: Web framework for Node.js.
  • mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool.
  • async: Utility module for asynchronous programming.

The global keyword allows you to define variables that are accessible throughout your entire Node.js application.

Example: Using global

// global.js
global.myGlobalVar = 'This is a global variable';

// app.js
console.log(global.myGlobalVar); // Output: This is a global variable

Best Practices

  • Use global sparingly to avoid polluting the global namespace.
  • Prefer passing variables as arguments or using modules to share data.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  • Circular Dependencies: Ensure modules don’t depend on each other cyclically.
  • Global Pollution: Avoid using the global scope unnecessarily.
  • Synchronous Loading: Be cautious with synchronous loading in performance-critical applications.

Optimization Tips

  • Code Splitting: Break down large modules into smaller, focused ones.
  • Lazy Loading: Load modules only when needed to improve performance.
  • Consistent Naming: Use consistent and descriptive names for your modules and functions.

Real-World Applications

Case Studies

  1. Express.js: A web framework that uses modules extensively to manage middleware and routes.
  2. Lodash: A utility library that offers modular functions for various tasks.

Practical Examples

  • Building a REST API: Use modules to separate route handlers, middleware, and utilities.
  • Creating a CLI Tool: Use modules to organize commands and utilities.


Recap Key Points

  • Modules are essential for maintaining clean and efficient Node.js applications.
  • CommonJS and ESM offer different advantages; choose based on your project needs.
  • Follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls.

>GitHub: @gajanan0707

>LinkedIn: Gajanan Rajput


>YouTube: mrcoder701

> Instagram: mr_coder_701


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