How To Revert Migration In Django?

How To Revert Migration In Django?

Django is a popular web framework used for building web applications. One of the key features of Django is its support for database migrations, which allow developers to make changes to their database schema and propagate those changes to other instances of the application. However, there may be instances where it is necessary to revert a migration. In this article, we will discuss how to revert a migration in Django, including step-by-step instructions and an example.

Reverting a migration in Django is quite straightforward, thanks to Django’s built-in migration system which tracks the history of your database schema changes. To revert a migration, you essentially tell Django to go back to a previous migration state. Here’s how you can do it, including an example for clarity.

What is a migration in Django?

discussing how to revert a migration, it is important to understand what a migration is in Django. A migration is a Python file that describes changes to the database schema. Migrations are created using Django’s built-in migration tool, which generates a file containing the necessary code to make the desired changes to the database schema.

When a migration is applied, Django executes the code in the migration file to modify the database schema. Migrations are used to manage database schema changes across multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production.

Why would you want to revert a migration?

There are several reasons why you might want to revert a migration in Django. One common reason is that a migration contains a mistake or error that needs to be corrected. Another reason might be that a migration was applied incorrectly or is causing issues with the application.

In these situations, it may be necessary to revert the migration and return the database schema to its previous state. This can be done using Django’s built-in migration tool.

Basic Command Structure

The command to revert a migration is:

python migrate <app_name> <migration_name>
  • <app_name> is the name of your Django app.
  • <migration_name> is the name of the migration you want to revert to. If you want to undo all migrations for an app, you can use zero as the migration name.

How to revert a migration in Django

Reverting a migration in Django is a straightforward process. The following steps will guide you through the process:

  1. First, make sure that you are in the same directory as your Django project’s file.
  2. Use the following command to view the list of migrations that have been applied to the database:
python showmigrations

This command will display a list of all of the migrations that have been applied, as well as any that have not been applied.

3. Find the name of the migration that you want to revert in the list of applied migrations. The name of the migration should be in the format app_label_migration_name.

4. Use the following command to revert the migration:

python migrate app_label migration_name

Example Scenario

Let’s say you have an app named blog and you’ve made several migrations but now realize that you need to revert to an earlier migration state. The migration you want to revert to is named 0003_auto_20210101_1234. Here’s how you would do it:

  1. Check the Migration History: First, check the list of applied migrations to find the one you want to revert to:
python showmigrations blog

This command will list all the migrations for the blog app and show which ones have been applied.

2.Revert the Migration: To revert to migration 0003_auto_20210101_1234, you would run:

python migrate blog 0003_auto_20210101_1234

This tells Django to ensure that the database schema for the blog app matches what it was after migration 0003_auto_20210101_1234 was applied. If there are migrations applied after this one, Django will unapply them in reverse order until it reaches the target state.

What Happens Behind the Scenes

  • Unapplying Migrations: Django migrations are designed to be reversible. That means for every operation in your migration files (like adding a field, creating a model, etc.), there’s a reverse operation that Django can perform to undo it (like removing a field, deleting a model, etc.).
  • Data Loss Warning: Reverting migrations that involve changes to the database schema, especially ones that delete columns or tables, can lead to data loss. Django will warn you if the action you’re about to take could result in data being deleted.

Zero State

If you need to revert all migrations for an app, you can do so by migrating to the zero state. This will unapply all migrations for the app:

python migrate blog zero

This is often used when you want to reset the state of an app’s database schema during development.

File Structure

A typical Django project has the following file structure:


├── my_project/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

├── app_one/
│   ├── migrations/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

└── db.sqlite3

In this structure, app_one is a Django application within your project that contains migrations. Migrations are stored in the migrations/ directory within each app.

To revert the last two migrations, you use the command migrate with the name of the app and the migration you want to go back to. If you want to revert all the way before the last two migrations were applied, you specify the migration that came right before them.

For example, if you have these migrations:

  • 0001_initial
  • 0002_second_migration
  • 0003_third_migration

And you want to revert the last two, you would revert back to 0001_initial. Here’s the command:

python migrate app_one 0001_initial

This command tells Django to apply migrations for app_one up to 0001_initial and undo any migrations that came after it.


  • What happens if I revert a migration that has already been applied to the database?
    • Django will unapply the migration and any migrations that depend on it, effectively rolling back the changes made by those migrations.
  • Can I revert a migration that includes data migrations?
    • Yes, you can. However, you should ensure that the reverse data migration is correctly defined to avoid data loss.
  • What if I want to revert all migrations for an app?
    • To revert all migrations for an app, you can use the command python migrate app_name zero. This will unapply all migrations for app_name.
  • Is it safe to revert migrations in a production environment?
    • Reverting migrations can be risky, especially if they involve complex data migrations or schema changes. It’s always recommended to test the reversion process in a staging environment before applying it to production.
  • Can I delete migration files after reverting?
    • It’s not recommended to delete migration files because they are part of the migration history. If you really need to clean up, consider squashing migrations instead.


Reverting migrations in Django, while occasionally challenging, is an essential skill for developers. With careful planning, thorough testing, and adherence to best practices, you can manage and revert migrations confidently, ensuring your project remains flexible and robust.

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